Our Committees
Fundraising: This committee will help decide on the major fundraisers for our club for the present club year. This committee will present their recommendations to the club for voting and approval.
Sunshine: This committee will bring "Sunshine" into the lives of our members as they experience sad or difficult times. They will be sure that our members are notified when someone in our Club or their families are facing a difficult time in their lives. The Corresponding Secretary will chair this Committee.
Membership: This committee will work to ensure that we retain our current membership and secure new members. The First Vice President will chair this committee.
Scholarship: This committee will work with the Shallotte Junior Women's Club to select a high school senior for the GFWC-NC Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship. Our club will award a one-time $2,000 scholarship.
Darren Wood pictured with his Mom and several members of GFWC-SBI attending the District 7 Arts Festival.
Our Scholarship Committee will also interview and select the recipient of our Cindy Hewett Teaching Scholarship. The winner will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship. The winner of this scholarship will be a high school senior who plans to enter the teaching profession. We have also partnered with Brunswick Community College and award a one-time $1,000 scholarship to a student who is pursuing a degree in the nursing profession.
By-Laws: The focus of this committee is to review the current club by-laws, recommend and make needed changes, update the by-laws as needed throughout the club year and guide the club in ensuring that we are accurately following them. The immediate Past-President shall serve as the chair of this committee.
Copyright 2016 South Brunswick Islands Womans Club. All rights reserved.